Consulting service that allows the updating and/or strengthening of the current strategy that the organization has vis-à-vis the administration of contractors aligned with the new OSH thinking. In order to, comply with current and applicable legal requirements and improve OSH performance; with which it contributes to the growth, profitability and sustainability of the Company. It is characterized by being flexible enough to respond to the needs of its clients and the business strategy.


  1. It discloses the status in which the organization is in terms of the administration of contractors.

  2. Helps the organization design and/or update the organizational strategy for managing contractors.

  3. Ensures the construction and/or updating of the Contractor’s Manual.

  4. It helps to plan with greater clarity and coherence both the requirements and the indicators to be required by the different contractors.

  5. Enables the design of the verification process for compliance with regulations and contractual requirements in occupational health and safety by contractors. (Second party audit process).

  6. Allows technological control and monitoring of contractors.

  7. It allows easy, fast and safe monitoring of work accidents and incidents, non-conformities and work plans.

  8. Enables the issuance of monthly management and performance reports of contractors during the execution of the contract or provision of the service, in accordance with the previously established requirements.

  9. It allows to define the criticality of the contractors in order to be able to intervene in them.